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ERROR_ITEM_VALUE_INVALID_PATTERN : "XXXX" does not match the pattern "[0-9]{2}"

The telephone area code on the cover page and/or declaration page of the tax return can only be two digits long. You will need to delete and retype the telephone area code so the fields are correctly updated.

Validation - CMN.ATO.AS.EM060 - X was reported as XXXX and will be corrected to XXXX

Most likely the ATO records do not have the reported amounts so their system expects the item should be another amount. You will need to contact the ATO to get them to update their records for any variations before lodging the BAS/IAS form again.

How do I set up beneficiary/member accounts?

  1. Open Client Details panel
  2. Go to the Ledger tab
  3. Enter the number of beneficiaries/members
  4. Go to the Other tab
  5. Enter a number (starting from 1, not 01) and name (optional - percentage of income to be split)
  6. Open the ledger
  7. Click on Postings tab
  8. Then select Transaction Journal Wizard > Setup Rental or Member Accounts
  9. Select the member from the drop down list and then click on OK

Repeat the steps based on the number of beneficiaries/members listed for the entity.

If you have more than 9 beneficiaries/members then make sure to increase the account length to 5 or 6 by going to client details > ledger tab.

If you cannot see the member's name on the member's statement in the financial report then you need to follow the instructions above. Re-open the ledger if the software does not refresh.

How do I manually post to GST account?

Use account 3529 GST payments/refunds if you need to make manual adjustments; otherwise, "G18 - Adjustments" will not calculate correctly in the GST report.

Do not use accounts 3510 and 3520 as these are automatic accounts.

How do I allocate profits to beneficiaries/members?

Check you have setup beneficiaries/members accounts correctly. Refer to "How do I set up beneficiary/member accounts"

  1. Go to the Postings tab.
  2. Click on Transaction Journal Wizard .
  3. Click on Profit Distribution/Member Accounts Allocation.
  4. Enter the % share or $ amount.
  5. Click on Transfer to post the transactions for the profit distribution to the beneficiaries/members.

Error calling SBR Core Services/ Send Request Failed error

Most likely the ATO's PLS server is experiencing technical issues or under maintenance. To view the ATO's PLS status, CLICK HERE.

If the status is operational then contact the support team to troubleshoot the issue further.

How do I lodge an early tax return?

The early year of the tax return is not available. You can use the software to enter the data and print the tax return to mail it to the ATO. Make sure to cross out the year and mark the correct year on the tax return. Refer to the ATO website for more information.

Post your completed tax return to:
Australian Taxation Office
GPO Box 9845
[insert the name and postcode of your capital city]

Error reading PrintDialog1.Copies: Operation not supported on selected printer

You will need to re-select the default print from Windows Control Panel.

Validation - V2885 - Subtotal 2 must equal subtotal less Non-refundable carry forward tax offsets

Restart the software to resolve the validation error.

ERROR_ITEM_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH_INVALID : Invalid length XX, where maximum length expected was 30

Due to the implementation of the Granular Data Reporting, the ATO has restricted the description length to a maximum of 30 characters (includes spacing) per line. Therefore check the description that the validation error has identified is no longer than 30 characters. If all the descriptions are fine then refer to the steps below.

The work related expenses schedule description is rolling forward from a prior-year tax return. If it is no longer needed then you should delete it or shorten the text to a maximum of 30 characters as per ATO requirements.

  1. Go to the Other tab
  2. Tick the work related expenses schedule box
  3. Go to the item worksheet the validation error is referring to
  4. Remove the text in the top box or shorten it to only 30 characters
  5. Click on the save button on the worksheet
  6. Go back to the Other tab and remove the work related expenses schedule tick box.