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British subject who entered Australia before Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 (Cth) commenced can be treated as an “alien”, rules High Court - Administrative Law Bulletin

Content updates

The High Court ruled today that a British subject who arrived in Australia in 1948 can be considered an alien within the meaning of s 51(xix) of the Constitution. Justice Nettle delivered the judgment in Chetcuti v Commonwealth of Australia [2020] HCA 42.

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By Andrew Palmer QC
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Journal Updates

Content updates

  Journals Talk

The following Journal update articles were posted originally in Journals Talk.

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Practice Area Pages


Practice Area Pages are now available on Westlaw Australia. These pages pull together relevant information on Westlaw for specific Practice Areas. These pages are extremely helpful when looking to limit searches to a specific area of law or for locating publications.

Practice Areas Tab

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Uniform Evidence Law Noticeboard – November 2020

Content updates

The Uniform Evidence Law Noticeboard is your definitive resource for evidence law news as it occurs. With rapid updating by respected barrister, Stephen J Odgers SC, the Noticeboard keeps you apprised of all of the latest legislative and case developments related to evidence law. For...

Date & Time

Introducing Practical Law FirmStyle

Content updates

We are excited to announce that FirmStyle is now available on Practical Law Australia. This new feature allows you to open a Practical Law Australia precedent with your own organisation’s branding, trade dress, cover page, logos, headers and footers and formatting already in place...

Date & Time

Judicial Commentary on Migration Act Legislative or Administrative Improvement

Content updates

The majority in the High Court of Australia in ABT17 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2020] HCA 34 raises what it describes as a systemic problem thrown up by the circumstances arising in that case. The majority makes specific mention of the problem because of...

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