Keeping up to date with Practical Law Australia
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Learn how to keep up to date on legal developments using Practical Law Australia
The most significant developments of the upcoming update to Uniform Evidence Law are highlighted by respected barrister, Stephen J Odgers SC, to keep you apprised of all of the latest legislative and case developments related to evidence law.
The Federal Circuit Court of Australia’s target for 70% of matters to be resolved prior to trial was met for 2020 according to the recent release of the Court’s 21st Annual Report for the financial year ending 30 June 2020. However, the Court failed to meet the other targets for...
In Oakey Coal Action Alliance Inc v New Acland Coal Pty Ltd [2021] HCA 2, The High Court ordered the Land Court of Queensland to reconsider objections to the expansion of a controversial coal mine at Darling Downs operated by New Hope Group.
The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) has released updated Statistics for the NSW Criminal Courts which have indicated that finalised criminal court appearances were lower in each jurisdiction, with the Local Court down by 14% from the previous year.
The High Court summer term for 2021 opened on Monday 1 February, with the court delivering three reserved judgments on Wednesday 3 February.
NSW Precedents now have a shortcut to Currency and Help information available under Tools and Resources for quick access to help guides and information around how to locate currency for precedents.
The Currency and help information assists users in understanding where to locate...
A new Secondary Sources Library Page is now available on new Westlaw Australia.
This new landing page is dynamic and allows you to narrow the list of publications and locate specific publications in a number of ways.
Users can now: