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Journal Updates

Content updates

  Journals Talk

The following Journal update articles were posted originally in Journals Talk.

Date & Time

Create an alert for journal updates in Westlaw Classic

This guide details how to set up alerts to receive the latest journal updates on Westlaw Classic.

Alerts can be set up on individual journals so you will receive emails when they are updated.

  1. To do this, go to your Alerts page
  2. Select Create Alert
  3. Click WestClip
  1. Name your alert
  2. Click Continue
  1. Find the journal title by clicking the blue hyperlinks to browse, e.g., International materials > United Kingdom > All United Kingdom Journals > Construction Law Journal (UK)
  2. Click Add next to the journal title name – the journal will appear in the right-hand selection panel
  3. Click Continue
  1. Enter a search term into the search field, e.g., the journal citation, “Const. L.J.”
  1. You can preview your results to ensure the search term is correct by clicking the Preview Results button in the bottom right corner
  1. Click Continue
  1. Enter the email addresses of the recipients
  2. Change the format, what to deliver, and level of detail
  3. Click Continue
  1. Schedule your alert’s frequency, time zone, and time of day
  2. Click Save Alert

You will now receive email alerts when the journal has been updated.


What's new on Practical Law Australia

30 minutes
By Rachael Lane

This session will look at the latest developments to Practical Law Australia, including both newly added topics and documents, and new features and functionality designed to improve your experience on Practical Law.

Find out more