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Searching Practical Law (2:15 min)

This video demonstrates how to search Practical Law

Finding cases citing another on a point of law in Westlaw Australia (1:58 min)

This video demonstrates how to quickly find cases that cite another on a point of law.

Case Law
Finding cases quoting another in the last 2 years - Westlaw Australia (1:27 min)

This video demonstrates how to quickly find cases that have directly quoted another case.

Case Law
In-house Centre in Practical Law Australia (2:08 min)

This video highlights the In-house Centre and its benefits.

Getting Started

Westlaw Classic - (International) - UK content

30 minutes
By Mary Dossis

This session introduces the Thomson Reuters Westlaw Classic platform  It focuses on searching and retrieving UK documents using the global search which supports both plain language and Boolean searching, and the using the Advanced Search Template

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Westlaw Classic - (International) - UK content

30 minutes
By Mary Dossis

This session introduces the Thomson Reuters Westlaw Classic platform - It focuses on searching and retrieving UK documents using the global search which supports both plain language and Boolean searching, and the using the Advanced Search Template. 

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Westlaw Classic - (International) - UK content

30 minutes
By Mary Dossis

This session introduces the Thomson Reuters Westlaw Classic platform. It focuses on searching and retrieving UK documents using the global search which supports both plain language and Boolean searching, and the using the Advanced Search Template. 

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Westlaw UK - Researching Cases

30 minutes
By Mary Dossis

This session will cover Navigating the Westlaw UK homepage, using the Global Search to search Cases using both Natural Language and Terms & Connectors, using the Cases Search Template and retrieving, refining and downloading relevant cases

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Westlaw UK - Researching Cases

30 minutes
By Mary Dossis

This session will cover navigating the Westlaw UK homepage, using the Global Search to search Cases, using both Natural Language and Terms & Connectors, using the Cases Search Template, learning to retrieve, refine and download relevant cases



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