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cvMail Guide - FSR Firm Administration Guide

This document is intended for cvmail FSR System Administrator users (“Super Users”).

This guide provides a detailed working description of the Firm Administration are of the cvmail FSR system. In some instances, the chapters in this document will provide the reader with working examples of the functionality of certain menu items within System Administration. However, for a more practical perspective, readers are encouraged to refer to the cvmail Standard User Guide, as well as cvmail Quick Guides on relevant topics.


cvMail Guide - Scheduler Standard User Guide

This guide is designed to assist with the navigation and use of cvMail FSR.

The level of security access assigned to a new user (client) can vary depending on the database setup; therefore this document must be edited to reflect the workflow of the organisation and the internal practices that must be followed.
This guide assumes that the Client user has security access to:

  • Create interview timeslots & events
  • Invite/allocate candidates to timeslots/events
  • Configuring active jobs to work with scheduler
  • Basic understanding of scheduler reports
  • Manage email templates


cvMail Guide - FSR Standard Guide

This guide is designed to assist with the navigation and use of cvMail full spectrum recruitment (FSR).

The level of security access assigned to a new user (client) can vary depending on the database setup; therefore this document must be edited to reflect the workflow of the organisation and the internal practices that must be followed.
This guide assumes that the Client user has security access to:

  • Edit My Settings and Firm Administration
  • Create and submit a job requisition
  • Approve requisitions
  • Create jobs
  • Edit all Job types
  • Edit candidates
  • Email candidates
  • Move candidates through the recruitment workflow


How do I find out coverage details for a Checkpoint Product or News Source?

Coverage information is available via the "I" scope icons next to products in the site Table of Contents.

Westlaw AU - Workflow Decision Trees (2:33 min)

This video demonstrates the features and benefits of the Workflow Decision Tree tools.

Getting Started

What are the system requirements for Checkpoint?

Following are the recommended hardware, software, and communications requirements for Checkpoint:

  • High-speed Internet connection
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer® version 11 or Mozilla® Firefox (latest version) or Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Adobe Acrobat® Reader (latest version)
  • 1280 x 960 or higher screen resolution
  • JavaScript enabled in the browser

Checkpoint is also responsive to the device from which it is accessed and will deliver an optimised experience on hand held devices like tablets and smart phones.

Please note: With Microsoft ending support for older versions of Internet Explorer on January 12, 2016. To ensure an enhanced Checkpoint experience, upgrade to Internet Explorer 11 as older versions will no longer be supported.



Checkpoint Webinar - The Essentials

1 hour
By Allison Patrick

This training session is designed to provide you with an overview of Checkpoint, Thomson Reuter's Tax and Accounting research platform. Discover how to access your online subscription library and how to make the most of Checkpoint's powerful research features. These sessions are...

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