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Westlaw AU Guide - Benefits of using SAML Single Sign On

This guide lists the benefits of using SAML Single Sign on to access Westlaw AU

The benefits including setting preferences, saving content to folders, annotating documents, creating email alerts and creating short cuts to frequently used content, all without requiring a username and password



Relaunch of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing in Australia

Content updates

Financial Crime Control and Anti-Money Laundering provides a complete suite of legislation for professionals needing to advise their clients on how to comply with the ongoing regulatory reforms addressing money laundering and terrorist financing in addition to addressing the myriad...

Date & Time
By Cassandra Siciliano

Westlaw AU Guide - Search History

This document outlines how to locate and view search history in Westlaw AU.



Westlaw AU June Release Notice

Release updates

We are pleased to confirm with you details of the upcoming Westlaw release scheduled for the 27th of June at 10pm (AEST).

Date & Time

Westlaw ANZ - New Sign on option for academics


We are introducing single sign on (SAML) access for academic institutes and will be adding a new sign-on button for academic users.

This will be implemented over the next couple of weeks. There will be no changes in the way you access Westlaw, please continue to use the service and...

Date & Time

The Laws of Australia Update 346

Content updates

The following Subtitles are now updated and available on Westlaw AU:

Contracts: Specific 8.9 “Electronic Contracts”; Intellectual Property 23.1 “Copyright” (Chs 4–6); Wills and Estate Administration 36.1 “Wills” 

Date & Time

Business Hours Support

For Contract Express support, email


TR will provide support for Contract Express by telephone, email, and web meeting as shall be reasonably required during Business Hours:

Business Hours - 9:30 am to 5:30 pm AEST during every Business Day.
Business Day - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday excluding public or statutory holidays.

Support Response Times

Priority Level Priority description TR Action Plan TR Resolution
1 Major system impact (system down). A problem that cannot be reasonably circumvented and which is an emergency condition that significantly restricts use of Contract Express by Customer to perform necessary business functions 4 Business Hours 2 Business Days
2 Moderate system impact (system crashing/hanging). A problem that restricts the use of one or more portions or features of Contract Express by Customer to perform necessary business functions, but does not completely restrict use of Contract Express.  System crashing/hanging caused by complexity arising from Customer’s inefficient use of template mark-up does not constitute a Contract Express product problem 8 Business Hours 5 Business Days
3 Minor system impact (performance/operational impact). A problem that restricts the use of one or more portions or features of Contract Express by Customer to perform a necessary business function, but the defect can be reasonably circumvented or the problem does not substantially restrict the use of one or more portions or features of Contract Express by Customer to perform necessary business functions 2 Business Days Future planned release
4 No system impact (request for enhancement). This classification does not correspond to a defect in the Contract Express services. The Customer may suggest the incorporation of new functionality and TR agrees to consider such suggestion. TR may, in its sole discretion, incorporate such suggestion into a future release 1 Week Future release


Extended Support

Outside of Business Hours, the Customer may request support from TR personnel located outside of Australia. TR personnel will assist Customer with a Priority 1 problem during Extended Support Hours.

Extended Support Hours – 9.30am Sydney, Australia time to 5.30pm London, England time but excluding Recognised Holidays.
Recognised Holidays – public or statutory holidays in the various locations from which support services are provided.

Out of region TR personnel may not be able to Resolve Customer’s problems without technical support, information or input from local TR personnel which will not be available until the next Business Day.