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Scope of Maintenance and Support Services

Maintenance and support services comprise:

  • information and advice (except ‘how to’ information and advice) in response to the logging of a support request
  • the diagnosis and correction of faults within Contract Express and the issue or application of updates in respect of such faults if such updates are deemed necessary in the absolute discretion of TR
  • supply of upgrades for installed versions of the Contract Express software or application of upgrades to Contract Express made available by way of TR hosted software that TR generally makes available to customers at no additional charge

Maintenance and support services do not include: 

  • advice on use of Contract Express 
  • advice in anything other than the English language
  • the installation or application of any update or upgrade to an installed version of the Contract Express software
  • support requests made other than via the support contact details specified above
  • advice on customisations to the Contract Express software or integrations not provided by Contract Express

Where the Customer has an installed version of Contract Express, maintenance services do not include diagnosis and rectification of any fault in the Contract Express software in the context of:

  • the improper use, operation or neglect of either the software or the computer or network equipment upon which it is used
  • the modification of, use of or merger of the Contract Express software with any other software or systems
  • use of the software on a system with a specification less than the TR recommended specification
  • failure by the Customer to implement recommendations, solutions, updates or (where such fault would be fixed by an upgrade) upgrades previously advised or supplied by TR
  • installation or upgrade issues arising from Customer not following the steps in TR provided documentation
  • any repair, modification or alteration of the software by any person other than by TR or its authorised agent or subcontractor
  • the failure by Customer to install and use any updates within 30 days of their availability
  • anything other than the current version and current but one version of the software (for this purpose a version is identified by the label v1.0, v2.0 etc as opposed to a release which would be labelled v1.1 to v1.2)
  • use of the software outside of licensed terms

Where the Customer accesses Contract Express by way of TR’s hosted software, maintenance services do not include diagnosis and rectification of any fault in the operability of Contract Express in the context of:

  • the use of Contract Express with any other software or systems
  • use of Contract Express with supporting hardware and software with a specification less than the TR recommended specification
  • failure by the Customer to implement recommendations or solutions in respect of faults previously advised by TR
  • Connectivity or accessibility issues arising from systems and software outside of the control of TR
  • use of Contract Express outside of licensed terms

Where the Customer has licensed Client Use and/or Guest Access:

  • Customer shall provide its Clients with support in the diagnosis and rectification of faults. In the event the Customer is unable to resolve such faults, the Customer may request support services from TR; and
  • Maintenance and support services shall not include diagnosis and rectification of any fault in a document produced by a Client or Guest. Customer shall be responsible for the diagnosis and rectification of such faults

Uniform Evidence Law Noticeboard – May 2019

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The Laws of Australia Update 345

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The following Subtitles are now updated and available on Westlaw AU:

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This video will introduce getting started with Westlaw AU.

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The following Subtitles are now updated and available on Westlaw AU:

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Uniform Evidence Law Noticeboard – March 2019

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We have been undertaking a refresh of all case records to improve the case research experience and performance on Westlaw. Click here to see the previous communication.

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