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The Laws of Australia Update 352

Content updates

The following Subtitles are now updated and available on Westlaw AU:

Bankruptcy 3.6 “Interim Control by Trustee before Sequestration”; Bankruptcy 3.14 “Bankrupt Estates of Deceased Persons”; Civil Procedure 5.5 “Summary Dismissal, Settlement and Discontinuance”; Criminal Sentencing...

Date & Time
Browse and searching secondary sources in Westlaw Australia (2:32 min)

This video shows you how to browse and navigate secondary sources in Westlaw Australia.

Secondary Sources

Practical Law Covid-19 Masterclass

1 hour
By Rachael Lane

This class will guide you through Practical Law’s tools and resources, including showcasing the materials Practical Law is currently providing to help practitioners efficiently address the new legal and practical challenges that arise from the Covid-19 pandemic. We will cover:

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Uniform Evidence Law Noticeboard – May 2020

Content updates

The Uniform Evidence Law Noticeboard is your definitive resource for evidence law news as it occurs. With rapid updating by respected barrister, Stephen J Odgers SC, the Noticeboard keeps you apprised of all of the latest legislative and case developments related to evidence law. For...

Date & Time

Vale Professor Emeritus Alan Fogg

Author updates
Date & Time
By Lalitha Vyamajala

Announcement regarding changes to coverage of NewsRoom on Westlaw services (News Corp)

Content updates

The NewsRoom product on the Thomson Reuters Westlaw platforms includes licensed news content from News Corp Australia.  

Recently, News Corp Australia has decided to enforce a 12-hour embargo on their licensed content. We have worked hard to ensure we can retain this content in our...

Date & Time
Search and document History - Westlaw Australia (1:30 min)

This video demonstrates how Westlaw stores your searches and document history.
