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COVID-19: Temporary changes to Banking Code of Practice

Content updates

The Code of Banking Practice has also been hit by COVID-19, with some temporary changes to the Code coming into force from 1 July 2020. The changes relax the strict timing requirements for some customer notices and communications and also enable banks to take into account the economic...

Date & Time
Using the Laws of Australia - Westlaw Australia (1:57 min)

This video demonstrates how to search, browse, and navigate The Laws of Australia on Westlaw Australia.

Secondary Sources

Westlaw Australia - Pay Per View Pricing Guide

Click here to access Thomson Reuters Westlaw Pricing Guide in AUD


Setting up a Google Chrome bookmark or desktop shortcut for Westlaw Australia (1:44 min)

This video demonstrates how to access Westlaw Australia quickly using a Google Chrome bookmark or desktop shortcut.

Using folders on Westlaw Australia (3:01 min)

This video demonstrates how to use, create, and add to folders on Westlaw Australia.

Create notes, highlights and annotations in Westlaw Australia (2:22 min)

This video details how to use Westlaw Australia's tools to improve your efficiency and time management as you carry out research.


New Practical Law Banking and Finance Topic: Acquisition FInance

Release updates

Practical Law Banking and Finance recently published a suite of documents to guide practitioners through acquisition financing transactions, including practice notes, checklists and a standard clause. These documents complement the existing suite of bilateral and syndicated lending...

Date & Time

The Laws of Australia Update 353

Content updates

The following Subtitles are now updated and available on Westlaw AU:

Civil Procedure 5.4 “Parties and Joinder”; Family Law 17.14 “Alteration of Property Interests”; Intellectual Property 23.8 “Trade Marks”; Real Property 28.3 “Torrens System – Indefeasibility and Priorities”...

Date & Time

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