Making Single Sign On Deep Links
How do I access my subscriptions using Single Sign On?
There are two primary methods;
- Using a Single Sign On link;
- Using the "Access with Single Sign On" button
1. Using a Single Sign On link
Thomson Reuters platform links can be modified to flag Single Sign On Access, both for the platform itself and for deep links to content within the platform. This is done with relatively simple alterations to links, example below (where ### is a value unique to your organisation Thomson Reuters will provide you);
2. Using the "Access with Single Sign On" button
Access to platforms with single sign on can be achieved by clicking the "Access with single sign-on" button on the bottom of the screen.
The user can then enter their organisation email or group ID (the group ID will be provided as part of setup), and their browser can be set to remember that information, and to always take them automatically to this screen.
This video demonstrates how to create a custom page so you can bundle and search specific items at once.
This video demonstrates how to create a publication alert so you can be notified when journals, law reports and bulletins are updated.
This video demonstrates how to create a WestClip alert based on your search results.
Magistrates Court Practice SA Noticeboard – May 2020 Part 2
The Magistrates Court Practice SA Noticeboard is your ticket to news as it occurs in the Civil Divison of the Magistrates Court of South Australia. With frequent and rapid updating by retired Deputy Chief Magistrate Dr Andrew Cannon, the Noticeboard keeps you apprised of all of the...
This video demonstrates how to set up a KeyCite alert so you can be notified if the status of a case changes.
New Module for Australian Commercial Precedents Subscribers
The Australian Commercial Precedents provide practitioners with a reliable, consistent precedents library that adapts to meet their needs. Easy-to-use, versatile and written in plain English, the modules have been created by experts in their given fields to focus on key areas of...