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General Practice, Noticeboard, September 2021 - Hear ye, hear ye

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Editors compiling Alert24 have access to the AAP feed and relevant articles are republished after selection by an in-house topic expert under licence. Breaking news such as Royal Commission findings, Government spills etc are reported immediately to subscribers via a breaking news...

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Legal update from Practical Law Commercial: Payments System Review final report

Content updates

The government initiated the Payments System Review (the Review) in 2020 to review the regulatory architecture of the Australian payments system to ensure it remains fit for purpose and can effectively support innovation across the economy.

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By Practical Law Dispute Resolution Team

New Practical Law Dispute Resolution resources on evidence

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Date & Time

Checkpoint (Australia) - Getting Started

30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

New to Checkpoint or an infrequent user?  Learn how to navigate and retrieve relevant information with ease,  pick up hints and tips to manage results and be introduced to some of Checkpoint's useful features.

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Checkpoint (Australia) - Getting Started

30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

New to Checkpoint or an infrequent user?  Learn how to navigate and retrieve relevant information with ease,  pick up hints and tips to manage results and be introduced to some of Checkpoint's useful features.

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Checkpoint (Australia) - Getting Started

30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

New to Checkpoint or an infrequent user?  Learn how to navigate and retrieve relevant information with ease,  pick up hints and tips to manage results and be introduced to some of Checkpoint's useful features.

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Checkpoint (Australia) - Getting Started

30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

New to Checkpoint or an infrequent user?  Learn how to navigate and retrieve relevant information with ease,  pick up hints and tips to manage results and be introduced to some of Checkpoint's useful features.

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