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new Westlaw (Australia) - Cases Deep Dive for Barristers

45 minutes
By Mary Dossis

Take a deep into case law to efficiently locate cases by citations, party names, keywords, or by using the Key Number system. 

Learn to quickly identify the status of a case by the citing references and history tabs. Understand the benefits of using the cases Advanced Search to...

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Australian Law Journal Reports: High Court cases recently reported

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The Australian Law Journal Reports is the specialist law reports series that publishes the most important decisions of the High Court of Australia and is one of the most up-to-date sources of cases determined by the High Court.

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Local Government and Environmental Reports of Australia: Cases recently reported

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The Local Government and Environmental Reports of Australia is the specialist law reports series that publishes cases concerning local government, planning matters, environmental control, valuation of land, compensation and the powers and duties of statutory authorities. The...

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Practical Law: Legal update, Thomson Reuters Institute releases 2021 Australia: State of the Legal Market Report

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Practical Law: Toolkit, Defamation

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How do lawyers stay across defamation law in Australia?

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Wills & Succession, noticeboard, September 2021, Perils of failing to execute a will properly

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Despite the best laid plans of the solicitors and testator in Re Sheehan [2021] QSC 89, Willem Kilian, co-author of Australian Succession Law, explains below the fall out of non-compliance with the Justice Legislation (COVID-19 Emergency Response – Documents and Oaths) Regulation 2020...

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Latest updates to Criminal Procedure (NSW)

Content updates

To mark the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Criminal Procedure (NSW) service on 30 August 1996, all commentary chapters have been reviewed in their entirety this year. The November release completes this monumental task and updating highlights are detailed in the following. The...

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Criminal Law Noticeboard September 2021 - Revised edition to mark 25th anniversary of Criminal Procedure (NSW)

Content updates

With the forthcoming September and October online releases of Criminal Procedure (NSW), a completely revised edition is being issued to mark the 25th anniversary of the launch of the service on 30 August 1996. The review complements the four updates per year since 1996, covering new...

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By Beverley Schurr