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Legal Research & Reference

07 December 2023 03:37PM
Content updates

Commonwealth Statutes Annotations: Main work 2023

New legislation information, case annotations and article references have been added to Commonwealth Statutes Annotations, including a note on Zurich Insurance Co Ltd v Koper (2023) 97 ALJR 614; [2023] HCA 25 under section 51 of the Constitution.


Westlaw Australia Guide - Quick Start Guide

This comprehensive guide covers all you need to know about conducting research on Westlaw Australia.  

Case Law,
Getting Started,
Secondary Sources
13 September 2023 09:22AM
Content updates

Commonwealth Statutes Annotations: September 2023 update

New legislation information, case annotations and article references have been added to Commonwealth Statutes Annotations, including a note on Hornsby Shire Council v Commonwealth (2023) 97 ALJR 534; [2023] HCA 19, under sections 96 and 114 of the Constitution.


Practical Law UK Tip - Topics

On Practical Law UK, you can find useful resources by browsing Topics from related Practice Areas. 

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