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new Westlaw (Australia) - Cases Deep Dive for Barristers

30 minutes
By Mary Dossis

Take a deep into case law to efficiently locate cases by citations, party names, keywords, or by using the Key Number system. 

Learn to quickly identify the status of a case by the citing references and history tabs. Understand the benefits of using the cases Advanced Search to...

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new Westlaw (Australia) - Cases Deep Dive for Barristers

30 minutes
By Mary Dossis

Take a deep into case law to efficiently locate cases by citations, party names, keywords, or by using the Key Number system. 

Learn to quickly identify the status of a case by the citing references and history tabs. Understand the benefits of using the cases Advanced Search to...

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new Westlaw (Australia) - Cases Deep Dive for Barristers

30 minutes
By Mary Dossis

Take a deep into case law to efficiently locate cases by citations, party names, keywords, or by using the Key Number system. 

Learn to quickly identify the status of a case by the citing references and history tabs. Understand the benefits of using the cases Advanced Search to...

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Media and Internet Law and Practice Noticeboard November 2021 - The Online Safety Act 2021

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The new release of the Media and Internet Law and Practice online service provides a detailed summary of the new Online Safety Act 2021. Here we present an overview of what this new act entails. 

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New resource from Practical Law Commercial: Practice note, Australian director identification numbers: Data protection and privacy issues

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A DIN is a unique 15-digit identifier used to verify the identity of a director and is assigned to the director permanently. DINs were introduced as part of a wider legislative initiative to combat illegal phoenixing activity.

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New resources from Practical Law Commercial: Legal update, Commonwealth government releases Privacy Act Review Discussion Paper for public consultation and Article, Privacy Act review: Summary of proposed reforms from the Discussion Paper

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The release of the Discussion Paper is the next step in the comprehensive review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) which began in October 2020 with the release of the Privacy Act Review Terms of Reference and Issues Paper. Over 200 submissions were received by the Australian...

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Federal Court considers statutory defences in defamation action: Nassif v Seven Network (Operations) Ltd

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By Practical Law Commercial Real Estate

Practical Law: New Subleasing Resources

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As businesses adapt to more flexible work practices in the wake of COVID-19, some may be looking for ways to reduce their current office space while retaining flexibility for the future. Subleasing is often the solution, as long as the sublease is appropriately drafted and all of the...

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