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Westlaw AU - How to Create a Quick Link (1:43 min)

Demonstrates how to create a Quick Link which allows easy, single click access, to frequently used content.

Westlaw AU - How to Find a Case by Citation (1:04 min)

Demonstrates how to search for a Case in Westlaw AU using a citation.

Case Law
Westlaw AU - How to Find a Case by Party Name (1:06 min)

Demonstrates how to search for a Case in Westlaw AU using Party Names

Case Law
Westlaw AU - How to find a Journal Article by Citation (1:08 min)

Demonstrates how to search for a Journal Article in Westlaw AU using a citation

Secondary Sources
Westlaw AU - How to Find a Provision of an Act or Regulation (1:28 min)

Demonstrates how to search for Commentary on a a specific Provision of an Act or Regulation.

Westlaw AU - How to Save a Search (1:17 min)

Demonstrates how a search can be saved to enable easy access and use.


Will Thomson Reuters have access to my OnePass Username and Password?

Our Tech Care team have access to OnePass usernames and the ability to trigger a password re-set in the event you have forgotten your login details.  Once triggered an email will be sent to the OnePass owner with a link to create a new password. 

Note: For security purposes, Thomson Reuters does not have access to OnePass passwords.

How often can I change my password?

You have control over how often you want to change this, so it's up to you.

I'm locked out what should I do?

Help yourself: 

If your profile is locked out due to too many sign-in attempts, you must reset your password.

Reset your password from OnePass.

You will receive an email from OnePass that contains a link that will allow you to create a new password.

Let us help you:

For assistance with OnePass, call us on 1800 020 548 (Australia) 0800 10 60 60 (New Zealand) or you can email us at

How do I change my Username, Password, Security Question or Email Address?

You can change your details at any time. 

Go to or click on the "Update an existing OnePass Profile" on the sign-in page of the Thomson Reuters site you are visiting. 

Log into OnePass with your existing details and then make the changes.