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Westlaw AU - Search Effectively using Terms & Connectors

20 - 30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

When structuring a Key-word searches using Terms and Connectors the results that are returned are both relevant and manageable.  This Webinar introduces the most commonly used connectors,  explains how they operate and also shows how they can be used to structure an effective...

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Westlaw AU-Setting Alerts

30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

Setting Alerts on Westlaw AU is a time-saving feature which keeps the researcher up to date, and allows the delivery of results directly to your Inbox.  This Webinar will guide attendees to set up customised Alerts for Searches, Products (for eg Journals), or individual documents...

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Westlaw AU-Using Westlaw AU Commentary Products

60 minutes
By Tia Friedland

This Webinar will cover both basic and Advanced Search techniques to help the user to navigate Westlaw AU Commentary Products.  It will also demonstrate Browsing  to view the publication's Table of Contents, which is ideal for those familiar with using the hard copy publication...

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Westlaw AU - Introduction to Westlaw AU and Refresher

30 minutes (Basics) 60 minutes (expanded)
By Tia Friedland

This session demonstrates the basic functionality of Westlaw AU and guides the new user to research effectively.  It's also  very useful as a refresher for those who have previously used Westlaw AU and also a good starting point for more advanced Webinars.

Duration is 30 - 60...

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Westlaw AU-Setting Alerts

20 - 30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

This session will demonstrate how Alerts can be set up to keep the researcher informed if there are any updates to a Search, Product or an Individual Document (eg. A Case)


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Westlaw AU - Using Terms & Connectors

approximately 30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

Using terms and Connectors (Boolean operators) when structuring a key word search in Westlaw AU, ensures that your results are relevant and manageable, and avoids the frustration of working with a large amount of  irrelevant results.  This session will explain how the terms and...

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Westlaw AU-Getting the most out of First Point

30 minutes (Basics) 60 minutes (expanded)
By Tia Friedland

This session is valuable for anyone conducting Case Law Research, and will demonstrate how easy it is to locate case summaries, Legislation considered and cited and citing references for cases.  The Classification system used in First Point (Powered by the Australian Digest) will...

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Westlaw AU - Introduction to Westlaw AU and Refresher

30 minutes (Basics) 60 minutes (expanded)
By Tia Friedland

This session demonstrates the basic functionality of Westlaw AU and guides the new user to research effectively.  It's also  very useful as a refresher for those who have previously used Westlaw AU and a good starting point for more advanced Webinars.

Duration is 30 - 60 minutes...

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Westlaw AU - Using Terms & Connectors

20 - 30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

Using terms and Connectors (Boolean operators) when structuring a key word search in Westlaw AU, ensures that your results are relevant and manageable, and avoids the frustration of working with a large amount of  irrelevant results.  This session will explain how the terms and...

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