Journal Updates
The following Journal update articles were posted originally in Journals Talk.
The following Journal update articles were posted originally in Journals Talk.
This video explains the importance and value of authorised law reports for students and the legal profession. Produced by the Consultative Council of Australasian Law Reporting (CCALR) with the...
Learn how to efficiently locate case law by citation, party names, keywords, or by legal topic using the Key Number system. You will be able to identify the status of a case, citing references and litigation history. The benefits of the Advanced Search template will also be...
On 11 September 2023, the Digital Platform Regulators forum made a joint submission to the federal government's consultation on Safe and responsible AI in Australia.
Legal update, OAIC releases Notifiable Data Breaches Report for January to June 2023: ransomware still greatest threat provides an overview of the key findings of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner's (OAIC) most recent Notifiable Data Breaches Report along with some...
The reforms to the unfair contract terms regime including the introduction of substantial penalties for contraventions come into effect on 9 November 2023. Are your standard form contracts at risk?
A Review of the RBA was announced by the Treasurer, the Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP, in July 2022. The completed Review was handed to the government on 31 March 2023, and it was issued along with the government’s response by the Treasurer on 20 April 2023.