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Unsolicited Political Communications Legislation Amendment Bill (2021) (Cth)

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On 25 October 2021, the Unsolicited Political Communications Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (Cth) (Bill) was introduced into Parliament. The Bill proposes to amend the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth) (Electoral Act) and the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) (Spam Act) to provide consumers...

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New Practical Law resource, Legal Update, Social Media (Basic Expectations and Defamation) Bill 2021 (Cth) to make social media service providers liable for defamatory content posted on their platforms

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New Practical Law resource: Toolkit, Designs

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Practical Law Commercial have released a brand new resource, Toolkit, Designs, which guides users through Practical Law's resources relating to design rights, including links to relevant resources.

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New Practical Law resource, Toolkit, Patents

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Practical Law Commercial have released a brand new resource, Toolkit, Patents, which guides users through Practical Law's resources relating to patents, including links to relevant resources.

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Australian Criminal Reports: Judgments Recently Reported

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The Australian Criminal Reports are the specialist law report series that publishes criminal cases from the High Court, Federal Court, and the Supreme Courts of all Australian States and Territories.   

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New Practical Law Dispute Resolution resources on evidence in Victoria

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Westlaw - Advanced Westlaw Research Skills for Students

1 hour
By Mary Dossis

This interactive student workshop provides the opportunity to seek assistance and find answers to a research task. The Training Specialist will provide guidance and best practice on research strategies utilising Australian and International Westlaw platforms.

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